garden-inspired sugar scrubs {DIY}


Well, this week has definitely been a lesson in learning to not take myself so seriously, to stop the jealousy and comparison cycle, to organize effectively, and to simply slow down. Pretty heavy, huh? My Friday morning began just as I had wanted – with a great workout, a fulfilling breakfast, and a published blog […]

pumpkin sugar scrub


I am up rather late this evening, which seems to be a pattern as of late.  I have been rigorously studying the California Pinot Noirs and Cabernet Sauvignons on our wine list, so that I can rise to the occasion tomorrow, when I begin my position as sommelier at my new job.  I am scrunching […]

citrus salt scrub | spring cleaning


Salt scrub with lavender, sage, and grapefruit. I have enjoyed an amazing day off this Tuesday!  I met up with a good friend at one of Denver’s newest culinary additions, the Kitchen.  The sun beckoned us out to the patio, but the move was a bit premature.  As we shivered through lunch, we caught up, […]

welcome to the blog

Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, Jayme Grows Drinks is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.

i'm jayme, and i've been creating and sharing recipes here since 2012

how it started

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How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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