juiced spring berry + gin + rosé sangria | my post-birthday musings


It has been exactly one week, since I celebrated my birthday, and it was truly one of the most memorable celebrations. My boyfriend and I kept it super simple and decided to visit some of my favorite spots around the city of Denver. We started out at the Weathervane Café for some good coffee and […]

how to make shrubs {aka drinking vinegars} | 3 refreshing recipes


Shrub. What a funny, little word. When I passionately mention my newly acquired skill of shrub-making to my friends, the first thing that comes to their minds is usually that scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, when the “Knights Who Say Ni” demand a shrubbery. Of course, the Knights desired a shrub of […]

spilled nasturtium ice cubes

edible flower ice-cubes + taking stock | 01


I’m just going to waltz along and perpetuate the “I’m in need of some summer cheer!” trend I’ve been setting in this space!  First it was muddled lime caipirinhas, today it is nasturtium ice-cubes, and tomorrow I’ll be starting some marmalade to can over the weekend. These ice-cubes kind of count for a winter treat. […]

cucumber + melon + white grape sangria


Doesn’t summer seem to be just flying by? Even though fall is soon approaching, I am not giving up this season without a fight. Right about now is when farmers’ markets and gardens start to really pump out the produce, so I am trying my best to capitalize on the season’s freshest fruits and vegetables. […]

summer cherry bourbon smashes {2 ways}


Yep, here I go again! Posting more about summer cherries {with at least two more cherry posts in draft form!}. I cannot get enough of them right now. In fact, the boyfriend and I headed out to Berry Patch Farms in Brighton, Colorado, to pick our own pie cherries. I had never picked cherries before. […]

3 recipes for lilac blossoms


  I love how circumstances pop up and give you the opportunity to react. You can take in the good aspect of a scenario, let go of the bad, and create something beautiful. Or you can mope, waste your energy worrying, and miss out on the chance for innovation. It requires a choice and some […]

welcome to the blog

Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, Jayme Grows Drinks is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.

i'm jayme, and i've been creating and sharing recipes here since 2012

how it started

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How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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