
the north fork iced tea | a college classic grows up


Last night, I celebrated Halloween just the way I wanted to: quietly and cozily. The stars had aligned, and it was the first of four consecutive days away from the restaurant for me. We have been going through another managerial transition lately, which has entailed a little stress, so all I wished for was peace […]

pumpkin pie martini with coconut cream + homemade pumpkin spice syrup


Today is the first day it actually feels like fall here in Denver. Cool, rainy, and cozy. Thankfully, I have the day off, and I defiantly plan on staying in my PJs most of the morning. There just may be a Hobbit marathon in the works. I am actually welcoming the idea. I came home […]

swiss chard from the garden in fall leaves

hello, goodbye


Well, hello and happy….December!?! Yeah, I know it’s been awhile. I just got back from spending a week down in sunny Florida, in my hometown, to recharge, recenter, and visit my family. I had the most amazing and memorable time. The days there seriously flew by, and all of a sudden, here I am back […]

apple pie for one + tips for a perfect crust


Happy beginnings of the holiday season!  It is also the season for pie-baking, one of my favorite things to do.  Personally, there are times when I want to bake an entire pie and either share it with some friends or devour most of it myself.  There are other times, however, I just want to have […]

putting the gardens to bed for the season


Prompted again by another “Grow Write Guild” post, I am writing about the transition that occurs in the garden during the fall.  It is such a beautiful time of year that builds in color, fans its vibrant wings, and flies by almost too quickly to experience its magnitude. Fall. Even the word itself suggests movement, […]

green tomato relish


Gardening is definitely not a picture-perfect hobby.  There are many days spent dealing with powdery mildew, battling against bugs, anguishing over produce stolen by squirrels, and contemplating how on earth I can’t just grow a consistent tomato crop.  This year, we have been blessed with a classic Indian summer in Colorado, where the shades of […]

welcome to the blog

Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, holly & flora is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.

i'm jayme, and i've been creating recipes here at holly & flora since 2012

how it started

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let's drink by the season

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How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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