
brandied summer cherries


I have been patiently waiting for cherry season. As soon as I spied some sweet, ripe, organic cherries, I grabbed about two pounds’ worth and headed home, bursting with ideas on how to capture their ripeness. Of course, I couldn’t resist selecting a handful of the ripest, juiciest ones I could find, right there in […]

pickled spring strawberries + a refreshing gin cocktail


I am just emerging from an unintentional five-day-in-a-row staycation, and I can say I officially feel relaxed. Scratch that. I feel more invigorated. It was a slow week at work, so my current schedule reflected it {sadly, my next paycheck will reflect this quieter week, as well}. I find it challenging to stop and slow […]

DIY rose salt bath soak | ruinart brut rosé


These recent frigid, snowy days have left me in cozy-up and slow-down mode here lately.  It seems as if I can’t get quite warm enough or relaxed enough or cheered up enough.  And I refuse to stay in that frame of mind.  As I type this post, I am anticipating a long, decadent soak in […]

a new home for the houseplants


Well, hello, after a little break!  I hope you are enjoying the new year and are delving into lots of fun projects and holding true to your resolutions, if you made them.  I finally gave up my streak of baking pies, cookies, and cakes every other day, and I temporarily traded in my apron for […]

how to craft your own bitters

other spirits

I am still not quite ready to write a triumphant welcome to 2014, but I will wish you all a very happy new year!  Like last year, I am still recuperating from a busy holiday season at the restaurant.  It seriously takes a good two weeks into the new year for me to even begin […]

how to make soy candles | paired with vietti barbera d’asti


I am most likely channeling almost everyone’s thoughts right now, when I say that I seriously can’t believe Christmas is less than three days away.  I tried my best, under the circumstances, to finish making and packaging gifts much earlier in the month, but it just didn’t happen.  I did, however, manage to sneak in […]

welcome to the blog

Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, holly & flora is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.

i'm jayme, and i've been creating recipes here at holly & flora since 2012

how it started

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let's drink by the season

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How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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