Am I only one up late, perusing the pages of Pinterest, bookmarking recipes in my blog feed, and searching the likes of Foodgawker, Liqurious, and Tastespotting for the perfect fall or winter cocktails? Beautifully constructed and tastefully paired cocktails can really set a table apart and send your dinner guests home with a memorable experience. […]
Gardening is definitely not a picture-perfect hobby. There are many days spent dealing with powdery mildew, battling against bugs, anguishing over produce stolen by squirrels, and contemplating how on earth I can’t just grow a consistent tomato crop. This year, we have been blessed with a classic Indian summer in Colorado, where the shades of […]
…because summer is such a hard habit to break! Fare thee well, summer, but just before I officially express my sorrow, concerning your all too soon departure, I think I will sit and savor the lingering ripe peaches you’ve recently sent my way. You’d better cue the music. I picked up about ten last-of-the-season peaches […]
These sweltering, lazy afternoons are just begging for iced tea, time spent outside and a possible dip in a cool stream. Well, that is exactly what happened recently. I don’t have air conditioning in my house, so sometimes, it is necessary to scope out the coolest spot around and take full advantage of its offerings! […]
Summer may be slowly approaching a close, but all of the vegetables and herbs in my garden are ripening faster and faster. I can barely catch up with all of the weeding, watering, pruning, harvesting, preserving, and, the most wonderful part, enjoying. To create this refreshing, gin-based, end-of-summer treat, I used fresh watermelon, cucumber, and […]
Quickling. It has become a favorite activity {and all-around awesome word!} here at my house this summer. You need not let your vegetable harvest go to waste, simply because you feel you do not have the time, space, or know-how to preserve or can your garden goodness. Quick-pickling, or as I affectionately call the process, […]
Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, Jayme Grows Drinks is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.
These are a few of my favorite posts, from ethereal egg white cocktails to refreshing, fruit-driven spritzes.
For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at
For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at