absinthe orange + chamomile gin fizzes | spring has sprung


I’m looking outside on the back porch right now, and our large, wooden dining table is completely covered with flowering annuals and vegetable starts. That’s this afternoon’s project before work: planting the spring garden. Steve and I have been so consumed with other plans and happenings, both inside and outside of work, that we have […]

the apricot stinger cocktail | hello, spring


I won’t apologize for my excitement that spring is finally here. All I see are sunny days ahead on my weather app, and I am taking full advantage of this string of good luck. Like March, April is oftentimes a volatile month here in Colorado, where you’ll be wearing flops and shorts at noon and […]

juiced spring berry + gin + rosé sangria | my post-birthday musings


It has been exactly one week, since I celebrated my birthday, and it was truly one of the most memorable celebrations. My boyfriend and I kept it super simple and decided to visit some of my favorite spots around the city of Denver. We started out at the Weathervane Café for some good coffee and […]

spicy quick-pickled spring radishes


I think that this very moment is the best setting ever to write a blog post. For that matter, to do anything! It is pouring rain outside. Not the pitter-patter peaceful kind, but the full-on, fiddler on the roof, batten down the hatches, tap-dancing until dawn kind of rain! I say, bring it! As many […]

coconut + raspberry + spring peach freezer pops


Is it possible to still be jet lagged after a week of being back home? If not, I must be the exception to the rule. Last week, at this very moment, I was flying over Kansas, making my way back to Denver from the most memorable and exciting trip I think I have ever had. […]

pickled spring strawberries + a refreshing gin cocktail


I am just emerging from an unintentional five-day-in-a-row staycation, and I can say I officially feel relaxed. Scratch that. I feel more invigorated. It was a slow week at work, so my current schedule reflected it {sadly, my next paycheck will reflect this quieter week, as well}. I find it challenging to stop and slow […]

welcome to the blog

Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, Jayme Grows Drinks is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.

i'm jayme, and i've been creating and sharing recipes here since 2012

how it started

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How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at

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