I’m looking outside on the back porch right now, and our large, wooden dining table is completely covered with flowering annuals and vegetable starts. That’s this afternoon’s project before work: planting the spring garden. Steve and I have been so consumed with other plans and happenings, both inside and outside of work, that we have […]
It has been exactly one week, since I celebrated my birthday, and it was truly one of the most memorable celebrations. My boyfriend and I kept it super simple and decided to visit some of my favorite spots around the city of Denver. We started out at the Weathervane Café for some good coffee and […]
I think that this very moment is the best setting ever to write a blog post. For that matter, to do anything! It is pouring rain outside. Not the pitter-patter peaceful kind, but the full-on, fiddler on the roof, batten down the hatches, tap-dancing until dawn kind of rain! I say, bring it! As many […]
I am just emerging from an unintentional five-day-in-a-row staycation, and I can say I officially feel relaxed. Scratch that. I feel more invigorated. It was a slow week at work, so my current schedule reflected it {sadly, my next paycheck will reflect this quieter week, as well}. I find it challenging to stop and slow […]
Rooted in a love of gardening and crafting cocktails from what I grow in my backyard, Jayme Grows Drinks is a resource for garden-to-glass drinks that are seasonally driven and culinarily influenced.
These are a few of my favorite posts, from ethereal egg white cocktails to refreshing, fruit-driven spritzes.
For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at
For cocktail recipes, scenes at the vineyard, and wine stories, follow along at