palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | my inspiring time in portland

cocktails, drinks, fall, fruits, whiskey

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Sometimes, you’ve gotta just shake things up and get on a plane. And fly out to Portland to a creatives meet-up, where you don’t know anyone at all. Because you’re that thirsty for change.

That’s exactly what I did last weekend, when I attended the Hello Sessions in Portland, Oregon. This event for creative entrepreneurs was founded by Joy of Frock Files and Melissa of LuLu the Baker. I found out about the one-day workshop via my IG friend, Bobbie Pinto, writer of the blog, Even If Nobody Reads This. I followed her link, perused the lineup of speakers, fell in love with its vibe, and signed up that very day. I didn’t even know what to expect; I’d never attended a bloggers’ conference before. I just knew that I wanted some serious inspiration, a good kick in the ass, and a renewed sense of creativity.

That’s what came my way, full-blast, and I took home even more than I ever thought I would.

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & floraI landed in Portland around 9:30 last Wednesday. I had planned it out, so that I would have a full day of exploring, eating, sipping, and writing. The workshops didn’t actually begin until Thursday, so I was excited to have some time on my hands. Despite the fact that I didn’t get home from work until 1:30 in the morning, the night before, I sleepily checked into my hotel, the funky, Portlandia-esque, Ace Hotel, and hit the sidewalk in search of caffeine. Truth be told, I felt a little fuzzy from sharing a bottle of white Burgundy with my boyfriend at a much-too-late hour. Will I ever learn?

Powered by a double serving of Stumptown Roasters, I unfolded my map of Portland, ducked into a bookstore to avoid the rain, and slowly scoured the aisles of books at Powell’s, entering some kind of time warp, where I looked at books for about two hours. It seriously felt as if only 30 minutes had passed. I must’ve needed the transport. I did manage to walk away with a copy of #GIRLBOSS, which I quickly devoured on the plane ride back home. A recap on that book is an entirely different post. Talk about life-changing.

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora

Can I speak about how all blog conferences go down? No, I can’t. I’ve only attended one. But I can say that this particular group of creatives, entrepreneurs, writers, and artists all had something in common: community, connection, and {thinking of a “c” word because I am all about the alliteration} COMMITMENT. Everyone there was open, ready to share their story, ready to listen to yours, and ready to shake it all up.

I joke that my spirit emoji is either the fist pump or the dancing lady in red. There is nothing like being around women, who are supportive and ready to create and make change. What are my takeaways from this trip, aside from my new favorite pair of shoes, a pound of salted caramel pumpkin chocolate from Quin, and a carry-on’s worth of chocolate and bitters from the Meadow?

  1. Ask for what you want. I wanted to get all church-y and raise my handkerchief and yell, “Glory!“, when Tiffany Han took the podium as keynote speaker of the Hello Sessions. I’m completely sold-out on her podcast, Raise Your Hand. Say Yes. A leader starts creating, sharing, promoting before the crowd shows up. And she doesn’t wait for others to ask for her work. She approaches them.
  2. Keep doing what you’re passionate about. And tell the world about it. I attended Lisa Congdon‘s workshop on starting a “passion project,” and I am thrilled to have imagined one of my own during that workshop. So many of her passion projects have led her to where she is today. Do what you’re excited about, broadcast it Austin Kleon-style, and keep at it!
  3. Quit doing “pretend work.” I am so guilty of doing this: constantly checking my phone, finding a reason to sweep the floor, looking at Pinterest, spiraling down an Instagram loop of comparison, or paying attention to any other distraction that makes you look busy but prevents you from doing what you should be doing. Just. Freaking. Do. It.
  4. Think of yourself as an entrepreneur. Craft a mission statement for yourself. Brittany Watson Jepsen of the House that Lars Built, mentioned seeing yourself as a brand and diversifying your brand. Forge a community, write a book, open up a shop. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one niche. You’re so much bigger than that.
  5. Make things happen! Simply sitting down and doing your craft will make you better. Don’t look to the left or to the right; just plow straight ahead. The rewards will come. I’m a firm believer in this philosophy. Do what works for you, and do it consistently. I’ve been wanting to “up” my food styling and photography game. So, thanks to Molly Yeh‘s tips, I’m learning Lightroom and investing in some new props. And I’m even more empowered to start a chicken flock like she’s done!

Now ’bout that peachy cocktail…

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash

  1. In a mixing tin, pulverize the peach slices. Add one sprig of sage and gently bruise.
  2. Add the whiskey, chai liqueur, lemon juice, and maple syrup.
  3. Fill the tin with ice, shake, and double-strain into a glass filled with fresh ice.
  4. Give a few shakes of bitters, slap the other sage sprig to release the oils, and add it to the cocktail.
  5. And now you’re free to whip and nae nae and kill it and all that.

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora

This is the first time I’ve tried a whiskey from Wisconsin. My friend Paula, writer of the Sweet Almond Blog, gifted me and my boyfriend a bottle of Kinnickinnic whiskey, made by Great Lakes Distillery, at a recent dinner party. Paula, you know your whiskey. Kinnickinnic is a blend of straight bourbon that the distillery has sourced from one of America’s finest distilleries, along with a malt whiskey and a rye whiskey they produce. Its aroma and flavor profiles exude notes of toasty brittle, baking spices, nutty caramel, and a bright, fruit-driven bouquet. I love it both on the rocks and mixed with stone-fruits, pears, or apples. I could so see this in a Manhattan.

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora

Alright, I’m closing this post, but little Kazu cat wanted to say a quick hello with some poses, since she was so photogenic, when I took these cocktail shots. She wants all of us to slow down, take notice of the rich smells around us, find the sunny spot wherever we are, and be selective of our surroundings and choose the cozy route, whenever it’s possible.

palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora

Cheers to an amazing weekend, filled with crisp, fall air, cozy, autumnal color, and, hopefully, a savory, whiskey cocktail.

What things are currently inspiring you to change? How are you filling your life with things and people, who encourage you to grow? I’m closing with some of the gorgeous photos that Linnea Paulina Photography took throughout the Hello Sessions this past weekend. She really captured the essence of the event, while we attendees listened, took notes, mingled, sipped, danced, and drafted plans for our futures. Thanks for sharing the memories, Linnea!

Big, fat, juicy hugs!


palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora palisade peach + sage whiskey smash | holly & flora

  1. I’m so happy that you had this experience. It sounded like a game-changer kind of moment, and you’ve been ignited to get going on all those hopes and dreams. You go girl! I’m constantly searching out podcasts for inspiration, and I’m all about Tiffany Han’s mission, thanks for introducing me to her!!! I am already halfway through episode #1. Also, yes, can we just talk about “pretend work” some more. I mean sometimes I feel like I spend half my day doing this. Thank you for reminding me to STOP doing that IMMEDIATELY! Such, a, waste, of, time. Especially the loop of comparison part. All my love, all the time, xx!!

    • All my love back at you, Sherrie! Yes, the trip to Portland was absolutely refreshing, and I came home so inspired and ready for change, commitment, and getting my creative projects back on track. And then I got sick. All of the work and travel and lack of sleep caught up to me, but I seriously took the rest I needed. Today was the first day that I actually feel better, so my energy and happiness are creeping back into my life!

      And I’m so happy you’re loving Tiffany Han! She is hilarious and has great insights. And yes, we can totally talk about the whole “pretend work” thing. I am so guilty of it and really lack focus at times. I’m with you on feeling like I spend half my day doing this. I have had to actually write myself a note to stop the pretending crap. 86 comparison loops and fake work! 😉

      Have a great time at your friend’s wedding and safe travels! I promise I’ll have my forms to you soon; I am SUPER excited to participate in your program! Operation: Life Reset – lolz!

  2. […] share their story, ready to listen to yours, and ready to shake it all up.”  – Jayme, Holly and Flora (There’s also a fabulous cocktail recipe in this […]

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